School Budget Discussion Continues Today at School Committee: HS, MS on Agenda

MuFus at Case House in less snowy times

This afternoon, January 31, the School Committee is meeting at a special bat time (4 pm), same bat place (on zoom). Please see the agenda online for inspiration and edification, or glance at it below.

The agenda starts out in the usual way of committee updates and also updates on the amazing Red Tide successes, the track team kicking butt, and probably some music and theatre and academic accomplishments. I’ve got nothing on the latter since no one tells me anything (, hello) and I’m waiting for some info on the former from the Red Tide coach. Sigh. Anyway, after that update is the Covid report. Numbers going down, change to at-home testing, etc.

For the budget portion of the discussion, the Owl’s two favorite schools (I’m just kidding, I love them all) are on the examination table today–that would be the middle school and the high school. To encourage you all to attend, I will say that I always always always (yes, that’s right, wordpress, there are three of those) learn something at budget discussions. I may not like what I learn but then I felt that way about physics too. Also up for discussion are Operations, Building and Grounds, and Transportation. Will this be the year of an electric bus? Film at 11. Well, tomorrow probably–Weston Media is not that fast. At the very least, I hope the MuFus will be discussed. Student Services budget is also on the agenda–and I would have suggested that should be first in importance, but no one asked.

Public comment is limited to 20 minutes as always–and hopefully will be more about budget than mask removal. There, I’ve said it. Do what you need to do. Consent agenda is next and some other stuff which is not on my screenshot–minutes, ya de ya.

Go ‘cats!

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