What to Do with Your Christmas Tree – 2022/2023 Edition

MassAudubon graphic

Last year, the Owl posted ideas of what to do with your “used” or “well-loved” or just plain old dead and shedding Christmas Tree. Though we are a few days short (okay, a week) of the Epiphany (which is known in the Owl household as pack up Christmas day), some of you may be a little more ready to say “bye” to the evergreen. If it’s really dry, that tree is a massive fire danger, so think about its next steps.

There are other options than the three listed below–google and other local news sites are your friends. Here are the Owl’s top 3 options:

  1. UPDATE 1/3/2023: SOLD OUT. Tree donation to support the WHS Class of 2023. This is the “I have no yard and/or hate wildlife and/or want to support the awesome WHS Class of 2023” (go ‘Cats!) option. The Class of 2023 will be holding its Christmas Tree pickup day on Saturday, January 7, 2023. All you have to do is drag the tree out to the end of your driveway by 9 am and leave it there. Preferably on Saturday rather than say, tomorrow. No one wants to see your sad tree for days. No one. The fundraiser/pickup is open to all Weston residents. Last year, the pick-up sold out two days in advance so get reserving your tree’s place in line (by the way the trees go to the Weston compost dump which is why you need to be a Weston tree to get on the bus). You need to place your order before Friday, January 5th @12pm and remember: Payment of $30.00 per tree and any donations can be made by Weston residents with students in the Weston public school system via mySchoolBucks and by Weston residents who do not currently have students in the Weston public school system with cash, exact change only at the time of pick-up. You can get more information here.
  2. Trees for wildlife option. “I have a yard and/or love wildlife and/or have extra lard around” option. Chuck the tree out back!! (not on conservation land, please…every single year I have to pay a little visit to Shady Hill’s trail easement…and Westerly…and yes, I know who you are. I am an Owl. One who will chuck your tree back in your yard.) If you are super crafty, you can even make some little wildlife-munchy ornaments. Those birds sure will love you! Note that the Owl once made some ornaments at a lard-and-seed ornament class at MassAudubon and they are very very messy. Very. Fun, though. Go birds. Oh, don’t do this one if you have an outside cat or a stupid dog (Katie Puppy thought lard delicious. The neighborhood cats will think the birds delicious). One year I cut all the branches off the tree and covered the herb garden with them. That was also fun as when the chippies woke up from winter slumber– they loved to jump all around in their little protected evergreen haven until I cleared them (the branches, not the chipmunks).
  3. Trees for goats option. “This makes me feel good and I love little tiny goats and I have a truck” option. Goats love evergreens, as long as they still have yummy needles. Goats do not like dried-out trees. Please make sure the tree has not been sprayed with any chemicals or fire retardant and that you did not use any tree food when watering the tree. Also make sure the tree is free of tinsel ornaments (I love this admonishment–does anyone still put tinsel on trees?) and anything else hazardous to the animals. Note: you need to drop off your tree in Hanson MA if you choose Channell Homestead Farm or (Owl favorite) in Sherborn to Unity Farm Sanctuary, a 501c3 rescue organization. Sadly the COA van does not provide drop-off service. I wonder if Land’s Sake will accept evergreens when the goats move in whenever that is. Hmmm. Inquiring minds.
Channell Farm goats taking care of a Christmas tree

Enjoy your tree and never ever forget to thank it for making your house brighter and happier for a month. Trees like that.

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