Cartoon Drawing and Inking: Second in Graphic Novel Series March 27

Scenes from a graphic novel workshop. Photo credit here


The Weston Public Library presents the second part of its three-workshop series on Graphic Novel drawing and writing. In this workshop, offered Monday, March 27 from 5-7 pm, kids in grades 4-9 will learn the basics of how to draw cartoon figures doing almost anything and get practice using a brush, ink and felt-tip pens to create finished comic art.

In the first workshop of the series, instructor Jonathan Todd explained how to create elements of a story and how to plan panels and. create thumbnail sketches. The third and final part of the series will be on May 6 and will show how to make an autobiographical comic. You do not need to have attended the first workshop to attend either of the others.

Massachusetts native Jonathan Todd is the author/illustrator of Timid, a forthcoming middle-grade graphic novel. He is also the co-founder of the Boston Kids Comics Fest: and has a passion for teaching children how to write and draw their own comics.

Registration is required and can be accomplished here.

The Weston Public Library is located at 87 School Street but its awesomeness can be felt far and wide.

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